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Living, Reading,and Eating my way through this brave new world.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Finally Photos!!

My friends Graham from Austin Texas and Kristine from Jersey!!! Were at Karaoke here.

These are my boys!! From left, Graham, Nick from Maryland, Adrian from Australie and Oliver from New Zealand.

My Kids practicing for their sports festival in Junior High

The girls Volleyball team. they are fourth this year but were second last year in the city!

My table tennis ladies!

This is a shrine at the Sano Festival at the beginning of August. It was a moving shrine.

Cute third graders. They were adorable at lunch, this is what they where when they serve each other the food.

I love the first grade and second graders!!! I play tag with these girls sometimes at lunch.

My little friend who does my cleaning with me. She also is in the third grade!

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