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Living, Reading,and Eating my way through this brave new world.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Month of November!!

Asahi Beer building in Akasaka, Tokyo.
That gold thing is supposed to be the foam on beer?

Akasaka Tokyo

Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan. November 30, 2008. This place is famous for its bridges, and is o beautiful.

Zahra and I...getting ready to celebrate my birthday in Tokyo

Ginza, Tokyo

Ginza, Tokyo..

Ginza, Tokyo. November 29th Birthday Celebration!!!

Thanksgiving in Oyama, Japan. November 23rd, 2008

All the Lancaster Fans at the International Festival.....November 23rd, 2008

No, youre eyes are not deceiving you!! I am actually cooking!! Proof!!

My Thanksgiving Masterpiece.!!!

Picture taken at Coco Farms Wine festival at about 1 pm...

Ashikaga Wine Festival Commemorative Glass.

Ashikaga Coco Farms Wine Festival spread. Taken at about 9am..

Ashikaga Japan....CoCo Farms Winery

Thursday, November 6, 2008

October Pictures

Japanese businessmen dancing at the Tochigi Octoberfest celebration

Kristine and I enjoying our German beers at the Tochigi Oktoberfest

The boys soccer team in Nagano.

Beautiful hills in Nagano, Japan.

Beautiful sunset in Nagano, Japan at the ALT soccer tournament.

Hills in Nagano, Japan. It was so gorgeous.

Ueno Station, Tokyo.

My kiddos playing on the see saw.

Ueno, Tokyo.

Tokyo Natural History Museum Whale

Shrine in a park in Ueno.

Tokyo street.

Shrine in Tokyo.

Mayberry Swanson wedding.


The pottery that I was very bad at making!!

Me making pottery that was not so easy!!!

Halloween fun, with Adrian and Robb

Adrian Graham and I on Halloween

My 8th grade kids singing at the Chorus Festival on Nov. 1st

Halloween with Kristine and Becks.

My second grade kids and teacher with my costume!!

Third grade cuties and the wicked witch.

Cute little girls!!!