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Living, Reading,and Eating my way through this brave new world.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Berlin...in Pictures

Excitedly, today on my wonderful 29th birthday, my internet has redeemed itself and come back on. So it is with great pleasure I get to share my Berlin photos!!!

Checkpoint Charlie


 Street Art

 Brandenburg Gate

Remember when Michael Jackson hung the baby off the balcony? Yup, Right there!

 "Memorial to the dead Jews of Europe" Hauntingly Beautiful


Socialism in Pictures

 The Berlin Wall

 Christmas Markets

 This is where the Nazi book burnings took place. 20,000 books were taken from the above university and surrounding areas to burn.

 The Berliner Dome


1 comment:

Aunt Karen said...

Happy Birthday, dear Carrie!!
I 'm excited to be seeing your travel photos here, and to know you are well and having such grand adventures in beautiful places! I think of you often. God bless you. I love you!
Aunt Karen