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Living, Reading,and Eating my way through this brave new world.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where is the German Food?

This past weekend I spent time in one of the cities of my dreams, Berlin. Without a doubt, this has always been on my bucket list, just like Vietnam ( which I got to see), St. Petersburg Russia, Prague, Poland, and Egypt. Because of my love of history, all things world war 2, and conflict between east and west, it was a truly awe inspiring experience. Unfortunately, I only had a day and a half there. Fortunately, I can always go back, and now I know where to get the best kebab.

Where are the pictures you may ask? Good Question. Well, our landlord went out of town last week ( which he did tell us about) and we realized, when we woke up on Wednesday, that we had no Internet. He had turned the power off in his apartment, and turned off the router ( which we didn't realize until it was too late.) Well, he will be gone until the second week in December. Isn't that lovely? So no Internet at our home for us. However, I am able to write my thoughts down here at work during my lunch break, but classified stuff cant have a usb stick with photos in it. SO the photos will have to come later. Hopefully my words can help to convey some of the images.

I arrived in Germany after a frenzied flight ( as they all are in Naples). I got to chat to several travellers at the airport who were from Australia doing some travelling during their summer vacation, and got to see the myriad of travellers heading to Milan ( where I have no interest in going, if not only for the Opera House). Getting to chat to other people about their travellers helped me know I am not alone in my wanderlust for seeing other things. I arrived in Germany safe and sound, and was hoping to get my passport stamped. Alas, because I am travelling within the European Union from another EU country, no stamps for me. What a bummer! I thought about approaching the uniformed guard and asking him to just stamp me, but decided against it. I arrived about 4pm, and it was already pitch dark outside. I guess that is something I have to look forward to as well when I get home!

I could not have asked for more in my hostel. The people were friendly, warm, and helped me with some ideas for dinner as I hadn't eaten all day. I ventured out on my own and came to the suggested street by the hostel staff. But as I wondered down, I saw Thai food, pizza, Italian, Kebabs, Indian, Greek, Vietnamese, Chinese........where was the German Food? I thought I was crazy, so I walked a few more blocks. Well, probably a six block radius. And very few choices~! It was amazing, in Italy I was so bombarded with only Italy food that the choices overwhelmed me. I lastly chose to eat at a Vietnamese place, which was nice, but not the sausage and onions and beer I had been expecting. I headed back to my hostel full, but feelings I was missing something. Upon arrival at the hostel, as I was taking my jacket off in the bar area, I got to chat with some other guests when they invited the "North American Girl" to a few beers and laughs. It was great to talk with other alone guests and I was able to enjoy that good German beer at last. I made some plans with another traveller for the next day and resigned myself to bed.

My travel day started bright and early, walking through the empty streets of Berlin at 9am. Literally empty. With the weather at 2 degrees Celsius, I couldnt blame people for staying inside. I was on the hunt for Starbucks. I know I know, with all the 'good' coffee in Italy, all I wanted was the good old Seattle brew, a feeling from home, in a LARGE cup. It was the sheer volume that I was very excited about. And I found it. With my new friend in tow, we embarked on a walking tour starting at the Brandenburg Gate. While waiting at the gate for the tour to begin, we were kept entertained by a creepy looking Mickey Mouse smoking and taking his costume off. Needless to say, parents were shielding their children's eyes. Or at least should have been.

Our walking tour was amazing. We were able to see so many of the important sites, which were mostly in East Berlin. We experienced the Death Strip, the part between  East and West Berlin. We saw the infamous, most expensive hotel where Michael Jackson hung his baby off the balcony. Hitlers bunker, memorials to the Jews of Europe, the Reichstag, among other amazing sites were just what I wanted for the day. Even just looking at the buildings, imagining the things that went on there, the suffering of the people of east Berlin, the difference in the Soviet Bloc buildings, it was just so memorable. And to me, it looked slightly different than West Berlin. People were all friendly, and for a touristy place, I didn't feel so touristy. It was amazing.

On my own, after the tour, I got to experience the Stasi Museum, the Topography of Terror, and walk around some of the other parts near Checkpoint Charlie. I finally enjoyed my sausage, and a second cup of Starbucks. I was just so happy to be in a city I knew I loved from the instant I walked off the plane. I was able to enjoy Greek food, and the warm environment that a good hostel can offer a single traveller. It was all in all a fantastic weekend. And I haven't even mentioned how great it was to be able to see my breath! The weather was just such a far cry from Naples, and more like home. As I boarded the plane to come home, after a long bus ride through the beautiful city, I knew that I would be back.

Which brings me to this week. It is my partner in crime Matt's last week here in Italy! I will be alone for my last two weeks here, which is a little sad. We had the luxury though of heading out with one of our fellow Italian interns, Aldo, to both his home and one of his friends homes for dinner on Monday. What a FANTASTIC night it was. It started out with myself, Matt, Aldo and another new friend stopping by his home. His mother, who I have met previously, and I decided she is now my " Russo Mama" since she is from Russia but lives here in Italy, and I love all things Russian. It was very sweet, and she gave me chocolate, which everyone knows is the way to my heart. Even my co-intern has learned that and brought me chocolate from Switzerland the other day. We then headed over to another new friends home, where there were several other people, along with his parents. They were truly what I think of when I think of an Italian family, with such kindness and a LOT of food. Seriously. I hardly could move afterward. And they kept suggesting I eat more, I drink more! They were lovely, and I appreciated their warmness and them opening their home to us. I also enjoyed the dancing that came after the eating, though I wished it had come before!!!

On to the rest of the week....my time is running low here but I am enjoying it. My impression of the Neapolitan people improve everyday, from my dear Italian intern friends to the lovely folks I am now working with. It just shows everything deserves a second chance!!

Ciao for now, Pictures to come.

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