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Living, Reading,and Eating my way through this brave new world.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Well I have finally arrived. After 24 hours of rude stewardesses ( I swear the nice ones are never on the big airlines) a puking child next to me, and wishing I could just sleep, Im here!  I am currently sitting at my table looking out on the balcony to the small neighborhood outside my casa. It is beautiful, and I can hear churchbells ringing. No joke there.

I arrived last night to a city full of smells, noises, and simply put an "oldness" about it. I reminded me, honestly, of Hanoi or one of the other Vietnemenese cities, but just updated. Probably because of the French influence which can be so similar to the Italian influence here. Either way, that and the use of the motorbikes tipped me off. While the taxi driver drove me through the city to my apartment, I got a wide eyed view of the good and the bad parts of Naples. There are some places that I never plan on travelling to again, but it is very hilly and beautiful in parts as well. As I arrived last night, I was introduced to my flatmate who is a very nince 20 year old guy from Ohio. We bonded over our shared love of Star Wars, Tina Fey, and pizza. Speaking of...

This is the location right to the left of the entrance of the consulate. It is the city on the left, andd the water on the right.

My lovely little room. I cant complain.

Our living area. There is a kitchen and also a little bathroom there. It is quite cute.

The view from outside my little room balcony
I ate the most amazing pizza last night. Unfortunately, I took a picture with my phone which is now not working. Ahh. Next time. It was delicious. Coupled with sitting outside on the water and some man trying to sell me a rose, its exactly what you would expect. Then, while in the grocery store, some 13 year old boys tried to get us to buy them some alcohol "for their mama" . Oh, Im serious.

All in all, so far Italy is exactly what I expected. Noisy, busy, and there is a gigantic hill I will have to walk up and down every day. I was seriously winded yesterday. Did I mention were on the 5th floor? I better fit in my skinny jeans when Im done here!

Ciao- More later

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