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Living, Reading,and Eating my way through this brave new world.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Adventure Begins

 The Port Of Naples. With Mt. Vesuvius in the background.
 Mt. Vesuvius view from a block away from my internship.
 Here I am!!!
 What a crazy first week it has been here in Naploli. It is a bit of a culture shock being here, because it is so different. Its funny to say this, but Japan was more like the good old USA than it is here in Italy. Maybe its just Naples. From no one knowing what little shop to buy a pillow in, to having to have someone bag your fruit for you, its definitely an experience. So I guess I should start from the beginning.

The beginning of my week has gone well. Well, sort of. A bit of a mishap with my key led me to being locked out of my apartment for an hour after a frustrating first day at work, but it all got sorted and worked out in the end. Between nervousness and a bit of, Im sad to say, homesickness, the rest of the week has gone quite well. Even my Italian was better today, as I ordered lunch for myself for the first time, and it felt wonderful! Not that Italian is easy, because it is not,especially Napolitaliano, but its ok.  

Speaking of lunch.....I love the food here. While I thought I could never get enough of pasta...unfortunately I think I have. Maybe I just need a little spice in my life. However, the pizza is so good, I could marry it. My roomate and I discovered a little pizzaria near our apartment, like not even a block away, which serves the most delicious bellisimo food you could imagine. And while I am fairly certain it is a chain restaurant of some sort, it is always busling with people and the pizza is to die for.  We also had bruschetta, which was delicous as well. While we can eat lunch at work, with a lovely Italian woman cooking for us, I got the chance to go out to a marketina with the office assistant of my department about a block from the Con. We witnessed a motorbike crash, but more on that later. I decided to purchase some Moscato grapes ( so good) and a fresh baked roll with some marinated salmon to put on it. Let me tell you, this may have been the best sandwich that I have ever eaten. Im looking forward to that lunch again. All this being said, I am craving a big juicy cheeseburger, and plan on making myself one next week. Also, there is a nice little Japanese restaurant near my apartment on the way to the Con. that looks like I need to try it. Anyone who knows me knows I like to eat my way through different places. Theres no harm in that!

Back to the motorbike accident. Walking here is dangerous. Seriously. Dont even talk about driving. I was saying to my roomate Matt today that i cannot imagine even trying. There are no street signals, so you just have to take your chances and go. Imagine the busy streets of New York, because Naples has the same density as NYC, without a traffic signal. Its insane. So on this particular lunch break I witnessed the sound before I saw the kid hit the parked car and tear the bumper right off. Totally insane. And glad I wasnt closer.

I forgot one important aspect of my walk to work here. Well, two actually. One is the weather, the other are both the giant hill and the 5 flights of steps I walk up every day. Lets just face it, Im lazy and out of shape. I dont try to sugar coat that aspect. Walking up a steep hill in cobblestones with cars flying by you huffing and puffing is very attractive, let me tell you. Don't worry, in case you need a visual I will be sure to get a picture. My feet are all torn up and there is no way I could ever wear a  heel. Ill have to change my shoes at work. As if the flights of stairs and the hill were not enough, it has been at least 80% humidity every day I have been here. Its balmy. And Im a sweater. Its a great look. Add it to my huff and puff and Im putting on a great show for the unemployed Italian men and old people who watch me every day. Its awesome.

So much to say, and I know I am forgetting many things. While my internship is definitely interesting and I have a lot to learn from it, I cant really talk about it in my blog. But there is lots of other things to talk about. This weekend the plan is to explore a bit more, as well as head to the Archeological Museum with the ruins from Pompeii in it. It should be quite exciting, although touristy, which I dont mind at all.  Next week, something exciting is happening as well. The USS Enterprise, which is retiring, is coming to port and I will get to tour it. It was the air craft carrier used in Topgun. Which is pretty awesome.

 More Vesuvius
 The Park in front of the consulate


Gelato...I chose Pistachio and Melon

Ciao for now. Time to make some non pasta for dinner, drink some wine, and watch a little TV before I rest up for tomorrow's new adventure. Feel free to drop me a line, or a comment, if you want to know anything more. Next post Ill have to write about the chocolate I found, but thats another story!.............

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