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Living, Reading,and Eating my way through this brave new world.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dont get hungry on a Saturday.....

Welcome to Old Town Naples, a UNESCO heritage site.

Pucinello- the unofficial mascot of Naples,who is very naughty and always drinking eating, and general debauchery, hanging out on a "baba" a delicious cork shaped pastry soaked in rum. Literally soaked. I had to try one to see if it really was that good. Then I had to try a few more from different places just in case. Ill keep testing and get back to you......
Naples is very famous for its Nativity scenes. They are very expensive and all hand made from little shops.

A piazza in Old Town Naples

I had to remind myself to take a picture of myself somewhere....

Archaeological History Museum of Italy.....Most of these ruins are the originals from Pompeii, over 2000 years ago....

We called this piece " The original Tebow"

My second week in Naples. So different from the first week,and yet so much the same. Working a normal job has made my life some semblance of the same as in the States, yet it is all so much different. From huffing and puffing my way to work ( Finally, I made it up the hill without having to take a break. and frankly, I was impressed with myself) to blowing the fuse for my hairdryer ( its quite a look rocking un blowdryed hair, let me tell you) my adventure, while it has just begun, is starting to get , lets say, a little frustrating at times. But I AM in Italy, so I cant complain or try to change 2000 years of culture right? Someone find this American a Starbucks.

Dont get hungry on a Saturday.

My roomate Matt and I headed out last weekend to explore the city a little bit. Luckily, our Intern Coordinator took us on a mini tour of old town Naples on Friday night. But let me back up here a moment and say that there was a MASSIVE storm here on the bay of Naples on Friday morning. Losing power, massive flooding, and the flooding of the underground kind of flood. It probably should have been terrifying, but anyone who knows me knows I am obsessed and love storms. So it was beautiful.

Back to the exploring. It was, of course, hot as Haites when the storm was over and we ventured into the old town. Apparently in Naples there is no reliable public transportation, plus no one checks your ticket. So....we used one ticket for both the underground and the buses. Hey, if the local said it was ok, it was ok with me. This poses some challenge into exploring Naples at night. Getting home. Luckily, we caught the last bus at 9:30 (!!!!) and were able to make it home. We got to see some beautiful old churches, piazza's, and some awesome little shops where I plan on purchasing trinkets closer to Christmas. We were able to see many of the shops that the Nativity scenes are made from, with nativity figures that ranged from 200 bucks up. Not cheap. However, we did get to meet the guy who makes them for the royal family of Spain, so that was cool, and he was very very nice.

After our tootsies had rested for the night, we explored on our own a bit on Saturday. We chose to go to the National Archaeological museum of Italy, where many of the ruins from Pompeii and Herculaneum are kept. This was cool, but it was blasted hot as well. The museum is just in an old building, so it was all steps.

Let me stop here and say something. My feet are TIRED. Between the steps and the hills and the cobblestones and no easy way to get anywhere, I was not prepared for this. My once beautiful feet look like a homeless persons. I don't know how these ladies walk around in heels all the time, but I am nowhere near that adventurous. Nor should I be. I cant wait to take my shoes off at the end of the day. All I know is my skinny jeans better fit after this.

Anyway, back to our exploration. I tend to digress. After the museum, we were famished, and we wanted to get something to eat. This was about 3pm on a Saturday. Naples, being a tourist city, but still being Italian, we knew there were tricky rules about when things were open. We knew the grocery stores closed at 2pm, and dinner wasnt served until 730, but we were certain there would be somewhere that we would be able to grab some pizza to eat. Not a chance. We looked through several blocks of places near our apartment, and found NOTHING. Nothing is open on a Saturday afternoon. If you can even believe that. Finally, we found a little coffee bar where we got the "baba" ( a yummy rum filled pastry, see above) and some coffee. Now, I am like a toddler. I get cranky when hungry or tired. Needless to say, the rum filled pastry helped a little. We know better for next time, but alas, everything was open Sunday at 3:30 when we went for pizza. Go figure. 

Then it was on to the work week. I know I haven't been talking about my JOB actually a lot, but mostly because I cant. Its inner workings aren't really for everyone to know about, but its cool. Unfortunately, being the super star that I am, I tend to get through my work there quite quickly. I guess Ill have to slow my roll or something. I just like to stay busy. This weekend we are going to be able to go tour the USS Enterprise, and I am also going to get to meet the Ambassador ( hopefully) so that's cool. Other than that, I cant really share too much.

Lastly....have I talked about the dog poop? I tried to take a picture of it, but felt strangely wrong for it. Its everywhere. No one feels the need to pick it up or put their dog on a leash. But don't DARE to try to pet it. Just in case you come visit. Bring your own poop bags!

Off to try to figure out my blown converter with my hairdryer. I may just have to venture out to try to find a hair dryer here. Which reminds me. I was making comparisons with the US, and Japan, and have decided that Japan is much more western than it is here. Simple example is the stores. Everything is in a small mom and pop store. In separate stores. So to try to find a pillow or say, uh, a hair dryer, will be quite interesting...
Just a thought I had.

Until next time!~

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Do you want me to send flip flops or a blow dryer with a converter? Say the magical word and it's yours!